Story follows Thor who embarks on a journey unlike anything he's ever faced -- a quest for inner peace. However, his retirement gets interrupted by Gorr the God Butcher, a galactic killer who seeks the extinction of the gods. To combat the threat, Thor enlists the help of King Valkyrie, Korg and ex-girlfriend Jane Foster, who -- to his surprise -- inexplicably wields his magical hammer. Together, they set out on a harrowing cosmic adventure to uncover the mystery of the God Butcher's vengeance.

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Thor Love and Thunder

: 6.3/10

🍅 : 64%

💙 : 82

Size : 865MB


Chris Hemsworth

As Thor

Natalie Portman

As Jane Foster

Christian Bale

As Gorr

Tessa Thompson

As King Valkyrie

Taika Waititi

As Korg

Russell Crowe

As Zeus